lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010


* hi! my mane is Carlos, I´m 19 years old.
_ What´s up Carlos, I´m Wiliulfo, I´m 19 years old.
* And, how are you?
_ I´m fine thank you, but my brother travelled to chiapas.
* Really, and What did he visit?
_ He visit an ecotourit place, I think that he was to the Lacandona jungle.
* And, What activities did he do?
_ He swam on the waterfall, he walked on the jungle and so on.
* So good, once, I travelled to New York, is a big city, I visited the central park and the liberty statue, this city is a crawed place and surprissing.
_ How are the people.
* the people are kind and crude as anywhere.
_ I don´t like the crude people. but I like travel to interesting places. And what do you say me?
* I don´t like to go shopping.
_ Really, I like to buy clothes, as, blue and black jeans, sweaters, t-shirts, sneakers, glasses and boxers.
* So good. and on the other hand, how is your family?
_ My family is fine thanks, my father is working in a company, my mom is at home, and my brother is  married.
*    that´s goood.. and.. What are you doing now?
_ I´m working
* Really,  where?
_ Now I´m in a company, anot long time ago, I was traveling.
* And, What countries didi you visit?
_ I was on U.K. Germany, France and USA.
* Well, and How are the people?
_ The german and french women are beautiful
 *I believe you
_ and you..
* I´working,  I, pilot
_ Wow really ít´s so good.
* Thanks, but, before I worked of taxi driver
_ And Can you fly alone?
* yes I can
_ On the other hand... do you play sports?
* Yes i do
_ What can you do?
 *I can swim, climb, run and so on, Why?
_  Because I´m in a soccer team , Do you like play?
* Yes of course, where?
_ The field is in front of the hospital next to the supermarked.
* well, I see you later
_ o.k.


viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010


Some occupations are:

* Student
* plumber
* teacher
* firefighter
* police officer
* cook
* fisherman
* caretaker
* taxi drives
* truck driver

My abilities

To express some ability we use the "can" for example:

* We can drive
* You can read
* I can cook
* They can wash
* He can writte
* She can sing
* It can run

To express some that we can´t do we use the "can not or can´t" for example:

* I can´t fly
* she can´t lie
* he can´t walk
* we can not eat
* They can not smoke
* You can´t drink


Some sports are:

* Soccer
* Basketball
* Bolibol
* Tennis
* Swimming
* hiking
* Climbing
* Abseiling
* Cycling
* Baseball*
*Car racing


Some activities of routine are:

Wake up                     - Despertar
Take a breakfast         - Desayunar
Take a shower            -  Bañarse
Go to school/work       - Ir a la escuela/trabajo
Brushing teeth              - cepillarse los dientes
Take a meal                 - Comer
Study                           - Estudiar

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

description of a house

come in the right is the living room, in front there is a dinning room, next to there is the kitchen and across or corridor there is a gambling room, next to there is a garage and behind there is a bath room.

Outside there is a back yard.

Upstair there is a corridor, in front there is a room, in the left there is a corridor, in the left there is a room, in front there is a room and outside there is a terrace.

What are you wearing?

I am wearing a black sneakers, jeans, black belt, t-shirt and brown jacket.




Here there are some verbs in past tense:

* cut                 * gotten         * swam
* swept             * ran             * broke
* drank             * told            *  dreamt
* fallen              * woke          * lent
* sang               * slept           * heard
* set                  * found
* ate                  * kept
* met                * spoke
* knew              * sent

About the pronunciation:

swept [ept]              hold  [hod]                      set   [set]
kept   [ept]              told  [told]                       met  [met]

woke   [ouk]          dealt      d  [elt]                sent [sent]
broke  [ouk]           meant    m  [ment]           lent  [lent]
spoke  [ouk]          dreamt   dr  [emt]

Genealogy tree

About family

Brother in low
God father

Position of an object

 In the righ
 A la derecha
 Next to
 Al lado
 Across of
 Far from
 Lejos de
 In front of
 En frente de
 Up move
 Down move
 A traves

Position of an object