domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011


"NCIS Criminal Investigation VS Hawaii 5.0”
Hi friends, in this report I´m going to present a comparison between two TV series of the police genre; “NCIS Criminal Investigation and Hawaii 5.0”.
I will start saying that both are an excellent series. NCIS is a serie based in a team of federal agents of the criminal investigation of Navy. This team is assigned any case provided that be related the Marine Corps or the Navy.
Hawaii 5.0 is a serie based in an elite team formed for the state governor to combat the crime. This team is assigned any case on the Hawaii island.
In both series the plot is similar, as both begin with a crime area or the finding of a body, later the investigation and finally they find the criminals.
On the other hand the agents team in the two series is similar, as in NCIS is conformed for three men and one woman and in 5.0 is the same conformation; the only difference is that NCIS is a federal service and 5.0 is a police corp.  
The similarities between the personages are variables, for example, “Gibbs” in NCIS is the chief of the team, is a hard person, he was a marine sniper, otherwise, “Steve McGarrett” the chief of 5.0, is an ex NavySEAL. Both chiefs are ex militaries.
The second in the command "Tony DiNozzo” in NCIS and "Danno Williams” in 5.0,
Both were detectives.

 The “rookie” in NCIS is “McGee” an expert computer technical, while in 5.0 is Kono, a beautiful girl very skillful in melee combat.

Finally, the agents with a history, in NCIS are Ziva David accused of spy and Chin Ho Kelly in 5.0 accused of corruption.

On the other hand we can mention the second personages. In 5.0 there is an ex informant of the mafia and an intelligent forensic doctor. In NCIS there is an intelligent forensic doctor, but, there is beautiful and eccentric girl lab technical.

My conclusion is, that the two series have the same thematic, but each one has special characteristic.

martes, 9 de agosto de 2011


J = Jonathan
W = Wiliulfo
C = Carlos
F = Félix

J: Hi! Guys
W: Hey, what´s up
C: What´s up men
F: What are you doing?
J: I´m studing
W: Why are you studing?
J: Because I´m going to do an exam
C: Really, I ought to study too, what about you Felix?
F: I too, but I have to go to accessories
W: So bad
J: But, on the other hand, what´s new?
C: I have worked
F : Where are you working
C: In a zoo
W: I visited my girlfriend
J: I´m cheking my car
F: Your car, Why?
J: Because my car have been falling      
W: Really you should take whit a mechanic
C: on the other hand, where is your girlfriend wil?
W: She lives in Swize
F: No way, and you traveled to this place
W: yes this place is  very beautiful and the people is nice, the women are very hot.
J: I believe you
C: You should present me some girls
F: Yes this is true
W: Maybe,
C: Hey, I´m going to go a party, Do you wish to go?
F: Really , Where
C: In the rumba bar
W: Yes I´m going to go
J: I don´t know, but maybe I will go
F If there are girls and beer, then I see you in this place
C: ok see you later
W: Fine
J: Bye
F: see you.


jueves, 7 de julio de 2011


W = Wiliulfo
F =Félix
J =Jonathan
C =Carlos Alberto
W -  Hi classmate!!!
F – Hey How are you?
J – I am doing my homework
C – What about is your homework?
J – It is about biographies
F – Biographies? About  who?
J – About famous people in biotechnology area
W – Really, it seems very interesting!!
F – I did a work about of Watson and Crick and your discovery of the DNA structure
C – This is very interesting, but the studies of Gregor Mendel are more interesting tan Watson and Crick
J – Who is Gregor Mendel?
C – He was an Agustino monk
W – Really, I do not know this, even if one month ago, I did a work about Louis Pasteur
F – Luis Pasteur? Who is him?
W – He was a scientist, he discovered the pasteurization
J- They were a great scientist, but are not more interesting than the transgenic plants.
C – This topic is very controversial
F – And, what do you know about this topic?
J – This plants are more effective than the ordinary plant.
C – I think this is true
F – I have eaten transgenic corn, and the flavour is more stranger than the ordinary corn
J – Yes, but this plants contain more carbohydrates
W – The importance of the transgenic corn is combat the world hunger
C – Yes, you are in the correct!!!
F – I gotta get out
J – Yes I too
W – Bye
C – See you son.


jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


W – Wiliulfo
J – Jonathan
C – Carlos

C: Hi guys!, What`s up!
J: Hi fried, What´s new
W: Hey What´s happed
C: nothing, What are you doing?
J: I go to my home, but, I met Wil
W: I had gone at the park whit my girlfriend, and you?
C: I´m going to work
J: Really, Where are you working?
C: I´m working in a restaurant, but only midday, and , How are you?
W: I´m fine , but my family have travelled to Veracruz
J: Really , in the news told that the weather will be very hot in these days
W: Oh ! really , I don’t know
C: and , why didn´t you go whit your family?
W: Because, I have gone, and I must go to the school
C: this is right, And you, What have you done?
J: I have gone to travel recently
W: Really , Where did you go?
J: I went to Oaxaca, The travel was long, but, this worthwhile
W: So good, and the other hand, how are your family?
C: My family is fine, my brother is going to travel to USA, I think for business
J: So good, and the other hand, Will you go the vive latino?
C: I don´t know, I don´t have money for the moment , and you?
W: Maybe, I don´t know yet, and you?
J: No I won´t go this year
C Have you gone?
J: Yes, I went once whit some friends
W: And How was it, tell ours
J: Well , I only tell ours This is a crazy!
W: Why?
J: Well, because, there are music, beautiful girls and beer
C: Yes I understand you
W: I have seen it only on the T.V.
C: Yes, I too
J: We should go the next year
W:  Yes, this is a good idea, and you
C: Sure I will go to
J: and on the other hand, tonight will have a party
W: Really, where?
J: At the friend´s home, Do you want to go?
W: sure
C: I´m sorry, I can`t go
J:  Why?
C: Because I´m going to go whit my girlfriend at movie
W: well I will go, how can I arrive?
J: I will call you in the afternoon
W: Well that is it
C: I gotta get out, I´m going to work
W: Yes I gotta get out too
J: Well, see you soon
W/C: Bye


martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Conversation in a restaurant

Carlos: Good morning. Follow me please
Wiliulfo:  Yes, thank you
Jonathan: Could you bring me the menu.
C: Yes of course
W: I want the menu too please.
C:  Here is it
J/W:  Thank you
W:  What will you eat?
J: I´m not sure. I haven´t decided yet
W: I think, I will eat roast beef.
J: Could you recommend something?
W: I don´t know.  You should ask the waiter.
J: Yeah, you are right
W: Excuse me, waiter
C:  Are you ready to order?
W: Yes, I want soup and roast beef
C: ok, and you
J: I want soup, but, could you recommend the main dish?
C: Yes, there is salmon whit vegetable salad or ostrich fillet with rice and carrots.
J: I think, I will eat the salmon with vegetable salad.
W: Excuse me, could you bring me the ostrich fillet instead of roast beef.
C: Yes of course. What are you going to drink?
W: I want a glass of beer please
J: I want a glass of wine please
C: very well, coming up

C: bon appétit
J: Excuse me, waiter
C: Yeah, Do you wish something else?
W: Could you say the desserts?
C:  Yes, there are, ice cream flavor: chocolate, strawberry and nut. Neapolitan flan and chocolate cake.
J: I want strawberry ice cream
C: I recommend the Neapolitan flan
J: Well, then, Neapolitan flan
W: I wish chocolate cake
J: Excuse me, but, can you give me only a small portion please?
C: Yes, Do you wish something else?
W: Yeah, I want a cup of tea
J: I want a cup of coffee
C: Coming up
W: excuse me, I don´t have spoon
C: Sorry, here is it
J: Excuse me waiter, Where is the bathroom?
C: At the end of the hallway
J: thank you
W: waiter! Can you bring me the check please?
C: Here is it, Do you wish something else?
J: Nothing more, thanks
w/J : Good bye!
C: See you soon.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011


Carlos Alberto Cruz Ipatzi

I was born in Santa Ana Chiautempan, on  November 30th of 1991, in the ginecology obstetrics hospital. I am the son of Julia Cruz. Since I was a child I lived in a small town.

I went to kindergarten it was in my town, When I was 3 years old, and I was there only for a year.

I studied in the elementary school. After that I studied in the  Escuela Secundaria Tecnica No. 17 (technical Secondary School #17), in Amaxac de Guerrero. Meanwhile, I was in the electrical workshop. I graduated on July 25th of 2007 and I entered to the tecnical school "Cecyte 08".

At technical school, I entered in the chemical laboratory. I was studing for 3 years. During this time I did my social service in a library and my professional practice in the public health laboratory, I did my military service too. I graduated on june 30th of 2010 on the convention center of the tlaxcala city.

Currently I study biotechnologyat the university in the "Universidad Politecnica de Tlaxcala".

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

Convesation about my last vacations


Carlos: What´s up Wililfo!, How are you doing?
Wiliulfo: I´m fine thank you, and you?
C: I´m well too, and were you here in your last vacations?
W: No I went to Canada
C: Really, how was your travel?
W: It was long and inconfortable, the food was good, the saith was beautil.
C: And, what did you do there?
W: I went to make ski, I stayed in a cabbin. and climb a mountain. and I ate a fried chiken, tea and coffe. It was very cool. and how was your last vacations.
C: My vacations was cool, I went to las vegas, it was a long travel, but  it was confortable.
W: Really las Vegas, How is this place?
C: Well, in this place thre are very cassionos, beautiful girls, very entretaiment and more things.
W: And what did you do?
C: when I arrived to the airport, I lost my baggage. but after that I didn´t have any setback, and I went to hotel. At ningth I was in a cassino,and in a disco.
W: So good, it was cool
C: yes, well I see you later
W: Yes good bye.